Down Syndrome Ghana

Over 90% of donations go directly to projects.

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What is our vision

Our vision is to help create an environment that enables persons living with Down Syndrome in Ghana to improve their lives and reach their fullest potential.

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What is our mission

Our mission is to create awareness about Down Syndrome, advocate for the rights of persons with Down Syndrome, and help create a community that will encourage persons with Down Syndrome to live healthy and meaningful lives.

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How will we achieve our goals

We hope to create a network where parents/caregivers, experts, policymakers, and stakeholders pool their expertise, knowledge, and experience to support persons living with Down Syndrome in Ghana

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We are an organisation, committed to improving quality of life for people with Down syndrome, promoting their right to be included on a full and equal basis with others.

Total Volunteers

Persons with Down Syndrome

Awareness Campaign

Families Supported

Support persons living with Down Syndrome.

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Our Causes

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Down Syndrome Ghana is devoted to working towards creating an environment where persons living with Down Syndrome can have good health and well being, quality education and reduced inequalities, just as stated in the Sustainable Development Goals numbers 3,4 and 10

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Whom we work with

Down syndrome Ghana
Down syndrome Ghana
Down syndrome Ghana
Down syndrome Ghana